Okay, I suddenly got really happy. I went for a walk. I am now playing the Cure and something is going on. Craigslist has lost its mind because tomorrow will actually be my third interview this week off that site. Normally, sending resumes to jobs listed there is basically just like throwing resumes from a rooftop. I never ever get responses and yet this week, three responses and three interviews! This job is a paid internship for some really boring career advice publisher. Yuck, business publishing, but at least it'd be experience doing editorial work. It is the same resume and cover letter I have been sending out for months - why is it finally just starting to get responses? Maybe I'll even hear back from MoMA. Ha! - then I would know that there is something seriously peculiar going on with the planets.
Yeah, yeah, because I love song lyrics, and no I am not listening to Le Tigre, but sing it with me anyway:
Things are fine and they're going to get much finer!
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