Wednesday, September 14, 1988

My Journal

From the Archives
Today, I was real bored, started fishing through the closet and spent way too much time reading stuff from elementary school and high school. What follows is the original stuff, with bad writing and cringe worthy statements. The only thing absent is the big handwriting and doodles.


I like Alf. He is very funny. And I watch his shows on monday and saturday. Do you like Alf?

Today I am going to go to the beach. I am going to stay at the beach but Sunday I'm leaveing. And we are going to play games. And it will be fun. Good-by!

Saturday I went to the beach and we came back on Sunday. And I won 49 games and Prizes. And I sleep on top of the bed. And I stayed up to 10:00 And I had fun. GOODBY!

I am happy when I go to the circus. Their are lots of animals at the circus. And they are funny. And the clones are funny. And dogs are funny to.

I am going bake to the beach. Saturday and I'm going to play lots of games. And I'm going to lots of prizes. And I'm going to have fun.

I like watching TV. And I to go swimming. I like reading to. And I like to those things. They are fun.

On Friday my ants came. And we had fun. And the next morning we went to the beach. And we had fun at the beach. And we came back at 9:00 in the morning on Sunday. When we got I went to Sunday school. My mom is a Sunday shool teasr. Then we had lunch. Then we took Ant parl bake. Then I watch T.V. Good-by

I like to watch Alf. On charle 4. It's my favorite show. I watch It on Monday. At 8:00 And I watch it on Satrday. Do you like to watch Alf?

I watched Shnopy late nitg it was funny. I like to wath it.

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I am happy because it is allmost halloween! And I am going to be Roger rabit for halloween. What are you going to be for halloween? Do you like halloween?

HI I am Charlie. And I wish I was a seal. Or a dolfin. Becaue seals and dolfins are funny. Do you like dolfins or seals? And thos to Anrmolis like to play in water.

On saturday I wacted T.V. all day. Then on sunday we went to sunday we went to sunday brunch. Then I camed back and wacted The football game. Then I pecked up the apples uneder my apple tree. Then I played in my backyard. Then on monday I wacthed TV. Then I aet lunch. Then My frind came over. And when my frind got over We wacthed spik. I got the tape at home. The I had a lole pop. Then I played in my massment. Then I played in my room with my frind. Then I played in my back yard with my frind. Then we cart crikets and wames and spiders. And I cart one spider that gorw fraw. And then I went to the park. Then Me and My frind came back in. Then a aet dinner. Then I watched TV. Then I went to bed. Good-by

The puppet show. I like the part when the dog bite the girl. Because it made lots of norie. And the girl fell down. And my other favrie part was when they sage songs. And my favirte puppet was the dog. Because the dog is funny. Do you like the dog? Yes I do. I like the wole puppet show. Because it was funny. Good-by.

HI BOYS And Grils. In ten more day it is going to be halloween. What are you going to be for halloween? I am going to be a paret for halloween. But you have to be safe on halloween. But you should go trick or treting wiht your mom or DaD. But wemeaber let or mom or dad chek the cady before you eat it. Good-by

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I like the movie of Roger rabbit. Because it was a funny. Do you like the movie of Roger rabbit?

I like the movie of pipie longstoking. Because pipie is os funny. Do you like the movie of pipie longstoking? yes I do. I like the song the most. Do you? yes I do.

This monday we do not go to cub scots. Because it will be halloween. I'm going to be a pirwit for halloween. It is going to be a fun halloween. Don't you tink? yes I do.

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I like the movie of the priess prid. Do you like the movie? yes I do. It is very funny. Good-by

HI I am Charlie Q. I was piret. It will be fun. Don't you think? yes I do. Good-by

HI gril's and boy's. Yesterday I wacthed the movie of ET it was funny. My favorite parts of ET were was when he stuk his neak up. Then the gril scremed. Then boy fell into the wall and noked is toys down. Good-by The end

I am going to movie to Miss Fells class. I am going to visit there class today.

I like the movie of the golden chid. Because he made a can look like a prson. It stared to wlah Fedie mrfie was looking for the missing chid. I did not see the west on showtime cause I went to sleep.